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2020 - 2021 (work in progress)

Pinheirinho's Farm, affectionately called "roça" (which means "small farm" in portuguese), is the last one of the small farms that borders the long dirt road located right on the first hills of the city of Borda da Mata, in the extreme south of Minas Gerais. Although it was the breeding ground for nine brothers (counting my mother), only three of them live there to this day.

For historical reasons, I intend to present relations between the impacts generated by staying in the countryside against the exodus to the city from the perspective of different family members. On the personal side, I try to reconnect with this place that, despite having visited for just a few times in the past, I worry about its inevitable abandon in the future.


This work is in its initial phase of development, being another manifestation of my continuous research of identity and memory.


An integral part of 'Roça', the images show clippings of scenes from the video recorded on the day of signing my parents' wedding, on December 12, 1988, at Pinheirinho's farm.

The amateur recording of Mr. Adenor, a close friend of the family, illustrates the bucolism of an imaginary ideal, alluding to the few childhood memories I have of this place.

Being a fragment of 'The Wedding', the brief sequence of clippings below presents the moments right after the signature of Alzira (my maternal grandmother) in the book of matrimonial records. Smiling, she walks among the spring flowers, turns around, and profoundly stares at her daughter.

The scene, which lasts for just a couple of seconds on the screen, expresses a fraternal feeling for my grandmother and it is one of the last records I have after her death, occurred a few months after I was born.

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